San Benito County Arrests
A background check may reveal details from a person's past you were not aware of. You may discover that the one you have been dating for the last couple of month has a criminal record. You may learn that your employee spent time in jail for theft a couple of years ago or that your neighbor is former sex offender. To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is always recommended to check whether the people around you have a criminal history. This article will explain how to trace San Benito County arrest records and warrants so as to make sure you keep away from people with a dubious past.
Carrying out a San Benito County arrest records search
Apparently, there is no governmental online inquiry tool you can use to trace San Benito County arrest records (In larger counties, there is an official inmate lookup tool available on the Internet). Therefore, you should contact the county jail and ask them to go over their archives and help you locate either a current or a past inmate. They are usually quite cooperative and are willing to disclose basic information such as the detainee's name, booking number and incarceration and release date. They are located at 710 Flynn Road, Hollister, California 95024. Their telephone number is 831-636-4060. If you are interested in a more thorough inquiry that will present a person's history of convictions and thus his or her criminal records, you should try to trace San Benito County court records by conducting a case search. For that purpose, you should address the Superior Court. As it is written on their site, official court documents are available to the public. For information on traffic and criminal records, dial 831-636-4057. For information on family law and civil records, dial 831-636-4057. Finally, to locate a person in CA correctional facilities, we recommend that you undertake an online California inmate search on the CDCR's website at http://inmatelocator.cdcr.ca.gov/. You may also choose to garner information by calling their Identification Unit: 916-445-6713
Initiating a San Benito County warrant search
The online services offered by the sheriff's website do not include a database that presents San Benito County warrants. For this reason, any inquiry meant to garner information on wanted people should be conducted by physically visiting the sheriff office. However, it is still possible to save time by searching for information on the Internet. The search box that was added to this page displays comprehensive reports containing a person's criminal history including jail records and arrest warrants issued against him. You can be 100% sure that these reports are updated regularly and the details they contain are accurate. What is more, the search process does not reveal your identity to any third party whatsoever.
Crime data - San Benito County
According to data released by the Office of the Attorney General, there were only 196 violent crimes in the county during 2014 (4 murders, 17 rapes, 24 robberies, and 151 assaults). The number of property crimes was also low: 736 (including 272 burglaries).