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Mendocino County Arrest Records Search

Database Update on February 18, 2025

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Mendocino County Arrest records and Warrant Search

Knowledge means power, but when it comes to checking a person's criminal history it also means safety. If you know how to properly perform a background check, you will be able to make sure the people you love keep away from those that might put them in danger. Mendocino County arrest records and warrants will give you a fairly good indication of whether a person is potentially dangerous or not.

Uncovering a person's incarceration history

By contacting the Inmate Services Coordinator at the sheriff office (707-463-4565), you will be able to obtain information on those who are currently in custody. They may also provide you with data on older Mendocino County arrest records, thus enabling you to locate former detainees. In addition, you are advised to refer to the CDCR's website, where you can conduct a California inmate search and so obtain information that encompasses the entire state. To initiate an inquiry, go here.

Complete Guide to Mendocino County Arrest Records and Warrant Search

The county's arrest warrants are issued by the court, usually upon police request (The police suspect a person was involved in a crime and so they are interested in apprehending him or her for questioning). They are uploaded into the sheriff's computerized databases. We suggest paying a visit to the sheriff office and asking their permission to go over these databases. There should not be any problem viewing the county's wanted people list unless the case in question involves minors whose records are usually not available to the public.

A recommended online search option

There is another option for finding Mendocino County warrants. The search form on this page presents a person's criminal history including his prior arrests (and any other entanglements he may have had with the police). Data are derived from multiple governmental and private sources which are updated constantly. Reliability and confidentiality are promised.

Tracing court dockets

Mendocino County court records can tell whether a person has been indicted in the past. The website of the Superior Court contains an integrative online case index that includes civil and criminal cases from all of the county's courts (Superior, Municipal, and Justice Courts). The data that are presented include the following: party name, party type (plaintiff / defendant / petitioner/ claimant etc.), case type (civil / criminal/ traffic/ small claims), case number, status and filing date. Once you obtain a case number, you can extract more details by contacting the courts' Criminal Division (707-463-4661) or Civil Division (707-468-2003 / 4). Most likely they will ask you to hand in a formal request to view copies of court files (This is a standard procedure in all of CA counties). A search fee may be included.

Crime statistics

During 2014, 512 crimes involving violence were committed in the county. Law enforcement agencies investigated 6 murders, 24 rapes, 53 robberies and 429 assaults. 1,546 property crimes were reported as well, including 489 burglaries, 186 auto thefts, 871 larceny-thefts and 26 cases of arson.